My mind is calm and my soul is content ♡ I focus on what brings me peace and release anything I cannot control ♡ I can get through any storm ♡ I stay away from people who disturb my peace ♡ I release my worries and trust that I’m exactly where I’m meant to be ♡ I focus on one task at a time so I can be more present in every moment ♡ I take time to be still ♡ I release anything that is keeping me from achieving inner peace ♡ I limit my interactions with difficult people ♡ I work on being more calm during triggering or stressful situations ♡ I know that there is no use worrying about the future ♡ I make an effort to limit the consumption of negative content, entertainment, music, etc. ♡ I fill my mind with thoughts of positivity and peace ♡ I focus on the present moment instead of worrying, stressing, and overthinking ♡ I make peace with my past as it has prepared me for my future ♡ I am mindful of what I give my energy to ♡ I take the time to respond to stressful situations instead of reacting ♡ I set firm boundaries to protect my peace ♡ I enjoy moments when I can disconnect from my phone ♡ I detach myself from my worries ♡ I make choices that bring me peace ♡ I know that everything is temporary and I’ve gotten through storms before ♡ I work hard to overcome my anxieties ♡ I am cultivating a peaceful life for myself ♡ I avoid situations that could result in unnecessary stress ♡ I focus on breathing and what I can control amidst turmoil ♡ I surround myself with people who nurture my peace ♡ I find peace in the midst of anxiety by reminding myself of everything I have already overcome ♡ I make space for more peace to enter my life ♡ I allow myself to release the past and focus on the present ♡ I prioritize the people and things that bring me peace ♡ Stress is a signal for me to slow down ♡ I protect my peace by being mindful of who I allow into my life ♡

My mind is calm and my soul is content ♡ I focus on what brings me peace and release anything I cannot control ♡ I can get through any storm ♡ I stay away from people who disturb my peace ♡ I release my worries and trust that I’m exactly where I’m meant to be ♡ I focus on one task at a time so I can be more present in every moment ♡ I take time to be still ♡ I release anything that is keeping me from achieving inner peace ♡ I limit my interactions with difficult people ♡ I work on being more calm during triggering or stressful situations ♡ I know that there is no use worrying about the future ♡ I make an effort to limit the consumption of negative content, entertainment, music, etc. ♡ I fill my mind with thoughts of positivity and peace ♡ I focus on the present moment instead of worrying, stressing, and overthinking ♡ I make peace with my past as it has prepared me for my future ♡ I am mindful of what I give my energy to ♡ I take the time to respond to stressful situations instead of reacting ♡ I set firm boundaries to protect my peace ♡ I enjoy moments when I can disconnect from my phone ♡ I detach myself from my worries ♡ I make choices that bring me peace ♡ I know that everything is temporary and I’ve gotten through storms before ♡ I work hard to overcome my anxieties ♡ I am cultivating a peaceful life for myself ♡ I avoid situations that could result in unnecessary stress ♡ I focus on breathing and what I can control amidst turmoil ♡ I surround myself with people who nurture my peace ♡ I find peace in the midst of anxiety by reminding myself of everything I have already overcome ♡ I make space for more peace to enter my life ♡ I allow myself to release the past and focus on the present ♡ I prioritize the people and things that bring me peace ♡ Stress is a signal for me to slow down ♡ I protect my peace by being mindful of who I allow into my life ♡

You are peace

People look for retreats for themselves, in the country, by the coast, or in the hills; and you too are especially inclined to feel this desire. But this is altogether unphilosophical, when it is possible for you to retreat into yourself at any time you want. There is nowhere that a person can find a more peaceful and trouble-free retreat than in his own mind, especially if he has within himself the kind of thoughts that let him dip into them and so at once gain complete ease of mind; and by ease of mind, I mean nothing but having one’s own mind in good order.

―Marcus Aurelius