I love myself ♡ I choose myself ♡ I heal myself through acts of self-care ♡ I deserve to rest ♡ I listen to what my body needs ♡ I value myself ♡ I am discerning about where I invest my energy ♡ I only allow people who are good for my mental health to have access to me ♡ I forgive myself for accepting less than I deserved in the past ♡ I value myself more than I value being in a relationship ♡ I say NO to things that don’t feel good to me, without feeling bad ♡ I walk away from people who don’t add any value to my life ♡ I put myself first and prioritize MY needs ♡ I open myself up to receive from others ♡ I only give if MY cup is full ♡ My energy is valuable ♡ I love myself even when I don’t feel my best ♡ I release situations and people that disturb my peace ♡ I heal in solitude and appreciate the time I spend with myself ♡ Simply existing is enough, my worth is not tied to my productivity ♡ I give myself the love that I wished to receive from others ♡ I invest in my emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual health ♡ I am worthy of love even when I make mistakes ♡ I deserve my own kindness, compassion, love, and support ♡ I set boundaries as an act of self-love ♡ I am a work in progress but I am proud of my growth so far ♡ I give myself permission to leave older versions of me in the past ♡ I am allowed to say NO when I feel like saying NO ♡ My energy is too precious to waste on stress, anxiety, and overthinking ♡ I focus on the present and accept the past for what it taught me ♡ I forgive myself for the choices I made when I was living in survival mode ♡ I am allowed to avoid people, places, and situations that interfere with my self-love ♡ I am dedicated to loving myself unapologetically ♡

I love myself ♡ I choose myself ♡ I heal myself through acts of self-care ♡ I deserve to rest ♡ I listen to what my body needs ♡ I value myself ♡ I am discerning about where I invest my energy ♡ I only allow people who are good for my mental health to have access to me ♡ I forgive myself for accepting less than I deserved in the past ♡ I value myself more than I value being in a relationship ♡ I say NO to things that don’t feel good to me, without feeling bad ♡ I walk away from people who don’t add any value to my life ♡ I put myself first and prioritize MY needs ♡ I open myself up to receive from others ♡ I only give if MY cup is full ♡ My energy is valuable ♡ I love myself even when I don’t feel my best ♡ I release situations and people that disturb my peace ♡ I heal in solitude and appreciate the time I spend with myself ♡ Simply existing is enough, my worth is not tied to my productivity ♡ I give myself the love that I wished to receive from others ♡ I invest in my emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual health ♡ I am worthy of love even when I make mistakes ♡ I deserve my own kindness, compassion, love, and support ♡ I set boundaries as an act of self-love ♡ I am a work in progress but I am proud of my growth so far ♡ I give myself permission to leave older versions of me in the past ♡ I am allowed to say NO when I feel like saying NO ♡ My energy is too precious to waste on stress, anxiety, and overthinking ♡ I focus on the present and accept the past for what it taught me ♡ I forgive myself for the choices I made when I was living in survival mode ♡ I am allowed to avoid people, places, and situations that interfere with my self-love ♡ I am dedicated to loving myself unapologetically ♡

You are love

You are not small.
You are not unworthy.
You are not insignificant.

The universe wove you from a constellation, just so atom, every fibre in you comes from a different star.

Together, you are bound by stardust, altogether spectacularly created by the energy of the universe itself.

And that, my darling,
is the poetry of physics,
the poetry of you.

―Nikita Gill