I deserve abundance ♡ I am open to limitless possibilities ♡ I choose faith over fear ♡ I am worthy of abundance in all areas of my life ♡ Any obstacle or hindrance is a blessing in disguise ♡ I receive unexpected opportunities ♡ I am connected to the endless abundance of the universe ♡ I attract miracles into my life ♡ Everything works out for my highest good ♡ I deserve a fulfilling life ♡ I release limits and boundaries ♡ My life is bursting with joy, love, and prosperity ♡ I surrender control and allow abundance to flow into my life in unexpected ways ♡ The universe always provides for me ♡ I am abundant ♡ Everything I need to create infinite abundance is within me ♡ I work toward the life I want and the universe always supports me ♡ The universe is preparing me for what I desire ♡ I am clearing space for a new chapter filled with limitless abundance ♡ I always have more than enough ♡ All the abundance I desire is already on its way to me ♡ I focus on creating a life of passion, prosperity, and purpose ♡ I am a magnet for abundance ♡ I know my needs will always be met ♡ There is more than enough abundance to go around ♡ Whatever I give comes back to me multiplied ♡ I always have everything I need to live comfortably ♡ I enjoy the unexpected surprises that are put on my path ♡ I live in an abundant universe ♡ I expect things to always work out in my favor ♡ I live a life of plenty ♡ I am open to receiving everything I could ever dream of and more ♡ The energy of abundance flows through me at all times ♡

I deserve abundance ♡ I am open to limitless possibilities ♡ I choose faith over fear ♡ I am worthy of abundance in all areas of my life ♡ Any obstacle or hindrance is a blessing in disguise ♡ I receive unexpected opportunities ♡ I am connected to the endless abundance of the universe ♡ I attract miracles into my life ♡ Everything works out for my highest good ♡ I deserve a fulfilling life ♡ I release limits and boundaries ♡ My life is bursting with joy, love, and prosperity ♡ I surrender control and allow abundance to flow into my life in unexpected ways ♡ The universe always provides for me ♡ I am abundant ♡ Everything I need to create infinite abundance is within me ♡ I work toward the life I want and the universe always supports me ♡ The universe is preparing me for what I desire ♡ I am clearing space for a new chapter filled with limitless abundance ♡ I always have more than enough ♡ All the abundance I desire is already on its way to me ♡ I focus on creating a life of passion, prosperity, and purpose ♡ I am a magnet for abundance ♡ I know my needs will always be met ♡ There is more than enough abundance to go around ♡ Whatever I give comes back to me multiplied ♡ I always have everything I need to live comfortably ♡ I enjoy the unexpected surprises that are put on my path ♡ I live in an abundant universe ♡ I expect things to always work out in my favor ♡ I live a life of plenty ♡ I am open to receiving everything I could ever dream of and more ♡ The energy of abundance flows through me at all times ♡

You are abundant

The world is full of abundance and opportunity, but far too many people come to the fountain of life with a sieve instead of a tank car...a teaspoon instead of a steam shovel. They expect little and as a result they get little.

―Ben Sweetland